Excerpts from ‘The Gospel of God’s Love”, The Padgett Messages, in a message from Jesus:
“I desire to write on the subject of why the Love of God – the Divine Love – is necessary for humankind to possess in order that they may become at-One with the Father and an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom. Nothing but this Love will make a human being at-One with God; no mere ceremony or belief in me as the savior, will effecuate that end. I will try to show you why this Divine Love is necessary, or as your learned men might say, show you the philosophy of the transformation of mere man into the divine angel.
“A human being is the creation of God and is not greater than the component parts that enter into that creation. These parts are merely what God designed them to be. It must not be assumed that these parts are a part of God, or of his essence or qualities, for they are not. They are as separate and distinct from him as are the lower creations of his will. The only difference is that humankind is of a much higher order of creation and, in one particular, made in the image of God. There are certain qualities which man possesses, such as love, wisdom and the reasoning faculties, which may be said to resemble God’s attributes, but they are not a part of God’s essence. When it is asserted that man is divine, it is an incorrect assertion.
“Because of this misconception, humans have neglected the opportunity to become possessed of this nature and essence of their Creator. The universe of man will continue to exist even though they will never become a partaker of this divine nature, they will live and enjoy the happiness which was bestowed upon them at the time of their creation. They will not lose this condition, after he has separated himself from the sin and error of his own creation, but will not be anything more than the perfect man…unless he obtains the divine nature from God, through humble prayers for Divine Love and Mercy.
“Man is as distinct from God as is the animal from man. Humans were made finite, their capacity for exercising their qualities has limits, and are governed by spiritual laws. Man cannot pass beyond these boundaries until he develops his higher spiritual potential.” Amen
(Some comments to follow…)