Hello again, I’ve been on vacation from my Blog site. But I’m happy to resume sharing the angels’ teachings, about how one can prepare themself for a bright and happy entry level plane when they go into ‘heaven’. It seems that people, in general, are not willing to think about ‘going to heaven’ because they don’t know what that means, exactly. A good place to start is to have the desire to develop your spiritual qualities; have faith in a Higher Power; and accept that you are a beloved child of an awesome Loving Creator.
An erroneous concept, which holds people back from seeking forgiveness, is the false belief in ‘eternal damnation’. The Creator of human souls is a Loving and forgiving God, Who Loves everyone and is willing to forgive sins when a prayerful, penitent person sincerely prays for Mercy. The angels say, “It’s difficult to think of heavenly things when in hell”. Changing one’s condition is ordinarily a slow process, but when you understand and accept that changes can be made, then you can pray, with faith, that God will help you make those changes.
Pray, with heartfelt longings, for God’s Love and Mercy. Be truly sorry for having broken the laws of Love. Acknowledge that all souls can progress, no matter how far they have fallen into despair. Learn that God Loves you, that you need to learn to love yourself and that you can develop the love nature of your soul, through prayers for God’s Love and Forgiveness.
The angels have written that when low spirits become weary of being congratulated for all the evil they did on earth, from fellow low spirit companions, they seek solace by going to a dark place, away from the taunts of others.
When seeking souls realize that (1) All their unloving choices, (2)Their desires to be in control, (3) Their selfish efforts to acquire what they need, aren’t bringing them joy or fulfillment, it’s a good idea to change their ways of thinking and acting. It’s far better to accept our mistakes, and start making better choices, while still in our earth life, so it can be reversed, before we find ourself in the dark planes known as the hells. But if a person does find herself in darkness, after leaving the earth life, she needs to know that she can pray for Mercy; when being truly sorry for her wrong doings, and when she wants to change, she can start her progression toward the heavenly Light. Amen