After expressing my understanding of the angels messages about Easter, I realized that I hadn’t touched upon ‘the Resurrection,’ which is central to the Easter celebration. The definition of resurrection is ‘bringing back to life.’ When a person ‘dies’ it is only the flesh body that no longer contains animated life. The spirit, the soul encased in a spirit body, leaves the flesh body, but never ceases to live, retaining all its awareness, consciousness and memories. An important point to mention here is that no human being has ever gone into the spirit world in their flesh body. The spirit world does not have the necessary elements to sustain , or supply, the requirements of an animal body. There’s no oxygen; the temperature is not within a body’s tolerance, and many other factors.
I acknowledge that many of the doctrines and traditions of the churches remain unchanged for great lengths of time. The human soul has the opportunity to progress in Love through sincere and prolonged prayers to our Creator, the Source of Divine Love. This Divine Grace has the Power to change the human soul into a Divine soul, transforming it into an Angel. Love is the ingredient of all knowledge. When a soul becomes transformed by Divine Love it acquires wisdom, which enables it to comprehend spiritual truths. The human mind is limited in its ability to grasp Truth. This explains why it takes so long for mental beliefs to evolve, grow and change. As the person grows in their Love nature to higher levels of awareness, they are able to grasp truth about spiritual life and the great joys to come.
I will include a quote from “The Gospel of God’s Love – The Padgett Messages” delivered from St. Luke, on page 187: …I have been told by those who were present (at Jesus’ crucifixion) that the Bible description of his burial in the tomb of Joseph was true. The body was buried in the tomb, which was then sealed and a guard set over it to prevent anyone from approaching and interfering with the body, because Jesus had predicted that in three days he would arise again.
After the tomb was sealed, Jesus arose, and without his body of flesh, passed from the tomb, and descended into the lower spheres where the dark spirits lived in their ignorance and suffering, and preached to them the rebestowal of the gift of immortality.”
(To be continued)