I’ve been receiving thoughts, from guardian spirits, that it’s important to share information about how to develop our soul in Love. I hope I can express it clearly, so souls-seeking-truth can find their way toward the higher heavens. I’ve enjoyed the positive-thinking magazine, Guideposts, since the 1960’s and this month there was a quote by Loren Fisher – poet “The difference between holding onto hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is the difference between laying your head at night on a pillow filled with thorns or a pillow filled with rose petals.”
It seems difficult for a person to understand that when they find fault, or stay angry, with others, it only stays with themselves. The ‘others’ do not feel what is being said about them. In this case, the reason we get back what we put out is because it never left us in the first place. For example, if we project anger, we only get angry. If we want love, we need to give love. All love comes from God. Our souls were created with natural love as its greatest attribute. If we want to develop our souls’ love in its highest potential, we need to learn how to pray and ask God to bestow this Substance of the Creator’s Soul, Divine Love, upon us.
Someone commented on a Blog, and made this lovely statement…in part: “I really enjoyed reading this…I appreciate the encouragement that we need to develop our love nature. Thank you.” Developing our love nature is one of the most important spiritual lessons anyone can learn. It is challenging to progress in natural love, to me it feels like trying to lift myself up by my own bootstraps. God never forces Divine Love upon anyone, the only way It can be received is to want It to come into your soul, to pray for God’s Gift of Grace…and pray for Divine Mercy…desire to develop the highest potential of your soul…ask to be blessed by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is God’s Special Energy, which has the sole purpose of conveying Divine Love to the penitent, prayerful person’s soul. It’s important to be humble. Striving to understand spiritual truth through intellectual reasoning brings one to faulty conclusions. To me, this explains why there are so many ‘interpretations’ of spiritual laws and teachings. Seek spiritual truth with sincere and heartfelt longings and allow it to perculate into your hearts’ inner-knowing. Amen
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