The Ministering Angels tell us that there have been people, over the past 2,000 years, with kind and loving hearts, who have received God’s special Gift of Grace. This occurred without their being aware that such a gift was available (and they may not have believed it, even if they had been told). Like so many humans today, if or when they ‘hear’ that they have the opportunity to ‘become Born-Again in Love,’ they are not aware of the importance of that message for the development of their spiritual nature.
In order for a person to receive God’s Gift of Grace – Divine Love – first they need to ‘desire to increase the spiritual quality of their lifel’. This is difficult to do if one doesn’t believe they have a soul. The kind and loving people, who received this transforming Love, must have been motivated to ‘do their best,’ to a be kind and loving person, and make a spiritual connection with their Father in Heaven. They may have wanted to help others and exemplify, even if unawaringly, how to bring greater peace and love into the world. Human beings can become aware of the fact that they have a soul (actually they ARE souls in a flesh body) by praying for guidance and protection, by striving to put their love into everything they do, and to demonstrate compassion, caring and helpfulness.
When souls-seeking-Truth pray for help to overcome their blocks and fears, they will attract guardian spirits to guide and protect them from negative influences. It’s important for souls desiring to grow in Love, to first love themselves (a spiritual law states that “one cannot love others more than they love themselves”). When a person prays to know the Truth, their spiritual perceptions will start to develop. Everyone has the gift of intuition, but oftentimes it’s not given the attention it deserves. Praying with heartfelt longings to do God’s Will in your life, will bring God’s Gift of Divine Love into your soul. God’s Will is that all souls become at-One with their Heavenly Father in Love. Pray to be blessed by the Holy Spirit; It is God’s Special Energy which has the purpose of conveying Divine Love to the souls of all prayerful children.
Pray for forgiveness and Mercy, and you will receive Divine Love, for it is the Substance of God’s Soul that has the Power to take away the blight of sins, and raise the condition of a human up to become an angel. Amen