Reasons Spiritual Information is Confusing

I’m sure there are many reasons it’s difficult, even for sincere souls, to grasp the meaning of spiritual concepts because there is such a large variety of them. We can start with the fact that even within the most accurately conveyed explanations of how people can develop their souls in Love, there will be different explanations, depending upon what the teacher has accepted as true. It always comes back to helping people learn that everyone is entirely responsible for their own spiritual growth, development and understanding.

My daughter placed a bookmark along the edge of my mirror, where I would be reminded of its message: ” The Power of Prayer: Prayer is a powerful thing, for God has bound and tied Himself thereto. None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience. –Martin Luther”

Love is the ingredient of all knowledge; all truth is knowledge, but all knowledge is not truth. The mind can become stuck with certain concepts and ‘decide’ they are true. But the mind of a person who has not developed their soul in love, especially in the Grace of God’s Divine Love, will fail to find spiritual truths. If their concepts are working for them, they will be satisfied with what they believe. But, “Change is the Law Eternal”, spiritual laws go into effect over material laws, which can help seekers-of-truth realize they have more to learn if they want to continue develping their soul’s love.

It can be disconcerting to see how so many people live ‘by the sword’ and out of harmony with love. But I have found it impossible to even attempt to change their attitudes. I have faith in God’s higher laws, and one which states, ”everyone reaps what they sow.” Many people are impatient and want to see them ‘get their just dues’ right now. I feel that is one of the reasons why wars continue non-stop throughout centuries.

I heard an account of warring factions killing one another over some age-old conflict, which was taking place next to an orphanage. They were too busy fighting to concern themselves with the safety of the children. Mother Teresa came to protect and save the children. The ‘warriors’ actually stopped fighting while she took the children to safety. They then resumed fighting. This, to me, is an example of people who have failed to develop their spiritual awareness. Amen

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