Remain Steadfast on Your Spiritual Journey

It’s quite challenging to help seeking souls learn that they have ‘inner spiritual senses’, which can help them onto a spiritual path of soul development. In order for a person to learn about these gifts, they will need to devote some time, engery, love and most of all, their sincere desire to Know-the-Truth, in their daily devotionals and prayers. When a seeking soul first begins to pray, with heartfelt longings for God’s transforming Love, they may not experience any physical sensations, for God’s Love enters the soul, and it may not transfer sensation to the physical body.

The Angels tell us that God always answers our sincere and humble prayers. God’s great Gift of Grace has the Power to change human beings into divine angels, as prayers and longings continue in daily devotions and recipients dedicate their actions to giving their love in everything they do. There is no guarantee that seeking souls will remain steadfast on the Divine Love pathway of soul development. There are many pitfalls. It is up to each individual seeker to recognize that God is Love and they are one of the souls God created with the privilege to become born-again in Love. Pray for God’s Love to flow into your soul and you will receive It.

False teachings abound on earth and in the spirit world. When souls pass into their next life, they take with them all their feelings, memories and the beliefs they had on earth. They still try to reach and teach those left behind; false beliefs continue to be held and taught. One needs to look-within and trust God’s guidance and Love to help them learn spiritual truth. Pray without ceasing. Know in your heart that Spiritual Truths can become yours through Faith and Love. Never stop seeking and praying, and you will be victorious.       

It brings me great joy to share this information , the Celestial angels have been able to deliver through mediums over quite a long period of time. One such channel was  James E. Padgett, who was an Assistant District Attorney in Washington, DC, early in the 20th cenrury. It is good to have some instructions to learn from, then as a prayerful person continues to progress in Love, they need to follow their own hearts’ inspirations in their spiritual work. Each of God’s children has their own talents and, therefore, will manifest these in different ways. Pray to trust your ‘hunches’ and intuition, then follow your guidance. Amen

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